Front Door > Front Hallway > Library

*** al-Maktaba ***

The Library

a cozy view of carpets and furniture

Here i keep the various books i own. The floor is covered with soft brightly-colored rugs. Two walls are lined with elaborately carved and painted shelves and cupboards filled with books, scrolls, papers... One side of the room has filigree shutters over windows facing onto the Courtyard. The shutters are open now, letting in a stream of comfortable warm light. Under the windows are divans and cushions on which to sit. In front of them are round, shell inlaid, wooden tables on which to put the reading matter. On the fourth side there is a larger low rectangular table with writing implements, a small sharp knife for carving reeds into pens, jars of colored inks, and under the table is a box of linen paper.

You will no doubt find some of this highly opinionated. Let's see what's here...

  • SCA Near & Middle Eastern Cultural Myths
    A point by point discussion of some of the misunderstandings I've heard while in the SCA from people who have Near or Middle Eastern personae. Covers language, religion, ethnicity, clothing, etc.
  • The Near East. Not the Middle East
    Why a limited term ought to be replaced by a more expansive and inclusive term. Think you know what "Middle East" means? Take a look at the Limited Middle East, the Inclusive Near East, and the Expansive Dar Islam. Also wander off to Indonesia - and my suggestions for taking on an Indonesian persona if you are somewhere hot and humid.
  • A Bit of History
    pointers to my very brief histories of al-Maghrib and al-Andalus
  • So, You Want to be a Near Easterner?
    See "Wide Choice of Time and Place" on how you have a huge geographical range to choose from, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Mediterranean southward, as well as anywhere in time from 622, when Mohammed had his revelations, or earlier if you don't want to be Muslim, up to 1600. Why "You Don't Have to be a Muslim". I ask, "Honey, Won't You Shake that Thing...", and say how belly dance as we know it did not exist and what you can do about it.
  • Know Your Turks!
    So many SCA Near and Middle Easterners just refer to "Turks", as if there is only one kind. But in the Medieval Near East there were several important groups of people who were Turkic. So, which ones do they mean? because the Ottomans aren't the only important Turks in relation to most of the rest of the cultures within the SCA.
  • Navigation and Contact
    Can't stand being in the library? Go somewhere else. Want to comment on what i've written? Where to find me.

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Hmmm, what's up here on this shelf...

A Bit of History

Why did i choose to be a Maghribi/Andalusi? Because i find the history and culture of the region fascinating. If you're curious, here is a brief look at what happened there...

A Brief History of al-Maghrib, home of the Setting Sun, from pre-history to modern times.

A Brief History of al-Anadalus, from Roman times to the a golden age of Muslim culture in Medieval Spain, to the Reconquista that ended in 1492.

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Oops, just tripped over these big heavy boxes. Wonder what's in them...

The Travelling Moorish Reading Room

My persona is a consulting librarian, and when it looks like an event will be dry, and i won't be too awfully busy, i bring boxes of books on the Near East, Medieval Jewery, Medieval Near Eastern and European cooking, Modern Maghribi cooking, and knitting and embroidery with me.

I can't bring 'em all. They weigh way too much. Look over the list of books [link no longer active], and if there are any in particular you want to see, let me know. I have books that haven't yet made it onto the list, so if there's a particular topic you're interested in, let me know, and if i have books on it, i'll bring 'em. I live in the Kingdom of the West, Principality of the Mists.

I generally serve mint tea or homemae sharbat and some Near Eastern finger food. Sometimes there's live music. If only i had a portable photocopier...

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